Now that we're out of the first three months, I'm feeling a bit more human again. The nausea has passed and I'm slowly regaining my energy. We actually had a doctor's appointment this morning and they did confirm that we have a healthy growing being developing right inside of me! At first, the doctor was unable to hear the heartbeat with the doppler, but she assured us that it was perfectly normal. She immediately wisked us off to another room where she let us have an unscheduled ultrasound. What a relief to us - I like her already! As soon as she got an image, we couldn't believe our eyes. We saw our mini-baby flailing about and being quite active in there. We could clearly see the head, the spine and even the flashing light that represented it's tiny, but fast heartbeat. You can take a look at the picture below that we have from our ultrasound. Brad already thinks it looks like him, which made me laugh. He might be on to something, though -- if you notice from the picture the most discernable feature is the baby's ears!

As we begin this adventure, we feel truly blessed! We are excited to share these moments with those that we love and welcome comments at any time. Even though we are still amateur bloggers, we plan on making many upgrades and changes to our page . . . stay tuned!
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