This past month has been full of many exciting new adventures. Adjusting to our new roles as parents and learning all about our little guy has been as exciting as it has been challenging, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. On our end, adapting to life with very little sleep has been interesting to say the least. Thankfully, we've had a great deal of help from friends, family and neighbors. As you can see from the pictures that we've been updating over the past month on our Flickr page, Joseph has had many visitors over the past month, and each of them graciously lent a helping hand. We'd like to give a special "shout out" to the Grandmas for all of their help as well as Joseph's aunts and uncles who have helped us in ways that we can't even count. Especially those who have travelled from afar -- Uncle Michael, Aunt Kelly and Aunt Sarah -- we are extremely grateful for help with some of those late night feedings with Joseph as well as helping us with our own feedings!
In terms of Joseph's past month, it seems that he has already changed in leaps and bounds! As the days go by, we've noticed how much more alert he's become as well how much longer he can hold up his head, and, best of all, how much more he's smiling. Although he has struggled during his early weeks with some gas issues, his smiles have recently become about more than just "passing wind". Usually it starts with him very studiously focusing in on our features and then he suddenly breaks into a big gummy grin. I can honestly say that there is nothing like it in this world -- it makes all of those sleepless nights entirely worth it!
So, in commemoration of this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we have so much to be thankful for . . . primarily, our good health, our family and friends and those little gummy smiles!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Ya all.
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